Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook: Everything You Need to Know about Prevention, Treatment and Diet By Authors: Jeanne Marie Martin October 2000 REVISED Avg. Customer Rating:  Price Range: about $15
ISBN: 0761527400 Format: Paperback, 528 pp Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
From the Publisher Have you been told your health problems are all in your head? Do you suffer from low energy, depression, digestive problems, and/or excessive skin irritation? If so, you may have an overgrowth of a common yeast, Candida albicans. Fueled by everything from diet to medication to environmental factors, this hidden epidemic affects as many as 90 percent of Americans and Canadians -- men, women, and children alike.
Now there are effective alternatives to your suffering. This eye-opening guide will help you conquer Candida and achieve optimal mental, physical, and emotional health. Annotation: "...takes the viewpoint that Candida needs to be treated through diet and hygiene as well as by medications."
Chronic Candidiasis: Your Natural Guide to Healing with Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods By Authors: Michael T. Murray, Jennifer Basye Sander (Editor) December 2000 Avg. Customer Rating:  Price Range: about $10
ISBN: 076150821X Format: Paperback, 192 pp Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
From the Publisher Are you one of the millions of people affected by chronic candidiasis — the yeast syndrome? Often mistaken for other maladies, the yeast syndrome can lead to headaches, sore muscles, general fatigue, low resistance to colds and viruses, and other problems in both men and women. Of the two most common prescription treatments, one can inflict severe liver damage and the other is safe but of only limited effectiveness. Fortunately, there are potent natural alternatives. They’re clearly explained here by Dr. Michael T. Murray, co-author of the best-selling Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. You will learn how to: * Determine if you suffer from Candida yeast syndrome * Follow Dr. Murray’s seven step program for combating candidiasis * Adjust you daily diet to control Candida growth * Supplement your meals with nourishing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants * Strengthen your immune system to help resist candidiasis and many other invasive disorders * And much more! Discover how to overcome yeast syndrome and keep it from coming back — naturally!
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Candida-Related Complex: What Your Doctor Might Be Missing By Authors: Christine Winderlin, With Keith Sehnert October 1996 Average Customer Rating:  Price Range: about $10
ISBN: 0878339353 Format: Paperback, 303 pp Publisher: Taylor Publishing Company
From The Critics: Booklist To educate physicians and their clients alike about the modern epidemic of Candida infections on account of antibiotic overuse and abuse, Sehnert and Winderlin have created a comprehensive manual describing Candida-related complex (CRC), the Candida organism, and Candida’s impact, especially on the immune system. They first establish that CRC is a real illness that will eventually be fully recognized by the general medical community, but many doctors have not been trained to detect it. They point out that the complex, caused by a normally harmless yeast organism, produces symptoms that vary from individual to individual and include fatigue, food intolerances, depression, anxiety, headaches, and memory impairment. A separate section on treatment covers the basics of recovery: a limited carbohydrate diet, prescribed antifungal medications, probiotics (i.e., "friendly" bacteria), and substances that naturally boost the immune system, such as vitamins A, C, and E. Appendixes list suggested readings, support groups, physicians treating CRC, and more. Whitney Scott
The Yeast Connection Handbook: How Yeasts Can Make You Feel Sick All Over and the Steps You Need to Take to Regain Your Health By Authors: William G. Crook, MD Reissue edition January 1999 Average Customer Review:  Price Range: about $15
ISBN: 0933478240 Paperback: 276 pages Publisher: Professional Books
Book Description Dr. William G. Crook's research has shown that many health disorders in both men and women can be traced to an overgrowth in the body of common yeast, Candida albicans. This revised edition of his popular handbook on the subject contains 25 percent new information, including data on health problems in children, interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, multiple sclerosis, alternative medicine, and nonprescription anti-yeast medications. Ingram: A study of yeast-related disorders discusses the link between yeast and chronic fatigue, PMS, sinusitis, ADD, and other maladies and outlines ten steps for overcoming such ailments and regaining one's health.
The Health Forum: Yeast, Parasites and Bacteria by Authors: Polly Hattemer November 2002 Average Customer Review:  Price Range: about $15
ISBN: 0971987602 Paperback: 179 pages Publisher: Health Reflections Book Corp.
Editorial Reviews The Health Forum presents opinions, experiences and information on how to eliminate irritable bowel, the yeast syndrome, Candida, parasites, and the wrong intestinal bacteria. People who have personally dealt with these health problems present the information in a series of interactive discussions. Costs, effectiveness, and subtleties of treatment are important topics for these discussions. Topics include improving digestion, leaky gut, antifungals, probiotics, liver health, related symptoms/conditions and vitamims/minerals.
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Candida Albicans: Could Yeast Be Your Problem? by Leon Chaitow September 1998 Average Customer Review:  Price range: about $10
ISBN: 089281795X Paperback: 150 pages Publisher: Inner Traditions Int. Ltd.
Book Description This non-drug approach to the treatment of Candida infection shows how to detect the effects of Candida albicans, and provides a comprehensive, drug-free program for its control.
A yeast that exists in all of us, Candida albicans normally presents no problems. But today's widespread use of antibiotics, contraceptive pills, steroids, and sugar-rich diets can cause this parasitic organism to proliferate. Its spread often can be the root cause of a wide variety of problems: depression, anxiety, irritability, allergies, migraine, fatigue, acne, menstrual problems, heartburn, and diarrhea.