
The Ultimate Resource for Fungal and Yeast Infections

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Candidiasis Treatment Plan

The Candidiasis Home Health Care Treatment Plan

Taking Responsibility for Your Cure

You can find information on all the products mentioned below in our Product Guide -- just click on the button to the left.  Suggestion -- print this page so you can easily refer to it when reviewing the Product Guide.

Diet: The less sugar and starch you feed your yeast, the easier it will be to kill the infection. Low carb diets are popular, and information on what to eat is available from many resources -- we offer books of both the low carb and Atkins diet. Follow it as best you can. Even if you don’t follow it perfectly, just keep in mind that the lower your carbohydrate intake is, the better off you will be.

Fungicides: -- Our product recommendations include all of the natural fungicides in common use. They include Berberine, Black Walnut, Cat’s Claw, Caprylic Acid, Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf Extract, high-potency Garlic, and Pau D’Arco. We also recommend two products, Yeast Fighters and Yeast Defense, that are proprietary blends of these fungicides. On the Product Guide page these are arranged into four groupings, A, B, C, and D, each consisting of two fungicides to help make this a bit simpler for you..

Rotate Fungicides: You need to make sure that the yeast you harbor does not become resistant to the fungicides you are taking. Therefore, we recommend that you take at least two fungicides at a time, and rotate those with at least another two fungicides every couple of weeks.

Intestinal Cleansing --  clean out debris that provides cover for yeast and other pathogens so that the treatments can be effective. See Intestinal Cleansing. Use the Modified Lemonade Diet intermittently while taking fungicides to break through the mucous layer.

Immune System Repair: Neutralize Candida toxins with NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), Molybdenum, and Pantetheine. It’s very hard to kill off a yeast infection (or any kind of infection) if your immune system isn’t helping in the fight.

Repair Leaky Gut:  The amino acid L-Glutamine is one of the most potent agents in repairing a leaky gut. It works by feeding the cells that form the interior lining of the intestinal tract, promoting robust re-growth of the intestinal lining.

Repopulate Intestinal Flora: Yeast moved in when chemicals or antibiotics killed off your normal intestinal flora (bacteria like Acidophilus). As you are killing off yeast, you now will need to fill the void with beneficial bacteria. Take large quantities. And, don’t drink or cook with conventional chlorinated city water -- the sole purpose of chlorine is to kill bacteria, and killing off your natural bacteria is what got you into this mess in the first place. Use a Brita-style faucet filter, or buy un-chlorinated bottled water.

Treat your tongue and esophagus to prevent re-inoculation of the GI tract, or else you will endlessly be re-infecting yourself. Brush your tongue with a Mentadent-style toothpaste that has hydrogen peroxide, and use a tongue scrapper. You can open the capsules of any of the fungicides and swish then contents in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. You can also do this with some of the prescription fungicides. See Triple Rx TREATMENT STRATEGY.


Seeking Professional Assistance

Find a doctor. Your chances of success will be significantly greater with the guidance and assistance of a qualified healthcare professional -- for ordering and interpreting medical diagnostic tests, and for recommending and prescribing drugs and therapies. See FIND A DOCTOR.

Get lab tests -- the best weapon is knowledge. Employ scientific medical diagnostic tests to discover the precise nature of the infection and any concomitant bacterial or parasitic infections, and to monitor your treatment progress. See DIAGNOSTIC LAB TESTS.

Use prescription and nonprescription fungicides to kill the Candida - this is a tough problem - use every medication available to you.

See TRIPLE Rx TREATMENT STRATEGY for prescription drug information and see our Fungicides paragraph above for non-prescription medications.

See PARASITES INFORMATION for treatment information on parasitic infections.

Special Instructions

Intestinal yeast overgrowth is entrenched and notoriously hard to eradicate. As with killing bacteria with an antibiotic, killing yeast with a fungicide gets rid of the weakest yeast first, leaving the stronger strains behind. This can result in a more resistant and intractable infection than it was originally. You should, therefore, be sure to follow these recommendations:

Don’t take fungicides sporadically -- anticipate that you will need to continue taking these for the duration -- until you feel that you are cured and then quite a bit longer.

Don’t take just one fungicide so that yeast can become resistant. You should use at least four fungicides, at least two at a time, and rotate them every couple of weeks.

Don’t give up on your diet. The more you feed your yeast infection, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

Take anti-yeast remedies whenever you take antibiotics to prevent yeast overgrowth. These are the same anti-fungals listed above. A good choice for general health maintenance is to take a proprietary fungicidal formulation such as Yeast Fighters, or Yeast Defense, rather than buying individual herbal products.

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The FungusFocus Team.